3 Reasons why most people can’t build wealth
“The three reasons why most people can’t build wealth” This was a question on Twitter. After giving it a lot of thought reading the answers of many and doing a detailed search I figure those three reasons were INCONSISTENCE, IMPATIENTNESS, and being DILUTE. Yes, these three things are the hindrance to you and the distance between you becoming wealthy. You don’t remain consistent in working and generating the income and using it and creating consistency in the amount you spend and the amount you save or the ideas you create. If the dreams you have doesn’t remain the same the next day or month then you are lacking maturity and consistency causing a basic ruckus. If you lack patience you might have a 99.9% chance of giving up right before your golden buzzer. If you are impatient it might cause you to take shortcuts and ruin your car by bumping it into speed bumps The broken unfixed roads you might have taken because of your impatientness will manipulate you and then later you won’t be ready for long-term travel for good fine traveling. If You are dilute you have a 99.9% of chance that you are going to live and die as a scrubby thing. So let’s get into it
Being inconsistent is the worst habit a person can have it can cause you to lose many chances in which you could have given your best. Just because you didn’t remain consistent you crossed the deadlines and now you have lost the chance. consistency is the speed that you hold while reaching your destination. If you have an inconsistent speed you are going to take more time along with the usage of fuel which is not worth it. So getting rid of inconsistency is the first step and maybe you might not need to follow any other steps if you follow just this one cuz
“Consistency is what transforms average into excellence”
Don’t forget that inconsistency is a habit and habits can be changed.
Patience is not simply remaining calm but it’s the ability that show’s how much strong you are it is the behavior of a warrior who owns success. Being patient is not something easy or of child’s play but it is a talent and a skill. Remaining calm and patient during the worst of a situation and handling it like a pro, being on the verge still holding on to yourself all alone. Not giving up when you wanna give up so badly remaining like metal while the arena is molding you into the best version of yourself. not taking the short route or easy but being patient through the path you have chosen until you reach your destination. While learning a skill following each step patiently and not jumping from one point to another but patiently learning the skill properly to not just learn it but to become the best at it. remaining patient while hard times and the limelight is a skill if you own it you won’t become a king you were always one of them you belonged to the throne you will own.
“A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else”
-(George Savile)
Being dilute Is like having a cavity not only it will be painful but also will ruin and create a huge mess. Remaining focused and knowing what you are going for what your aim is what is that you are going to achieve afterward and what is the amount of effort, power, time, and energy you need to pour in, to get the results you want having a clear vision based on maturity and reality is like the core of the whole process. By being diluted the person most harmed or hurt in the story of your life will be you.
A watered-down version of yourself will serve more people… so never be diluted.
- (Josh Stern)
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