“All That Success Takes Is Hard Work”
Success seems like a mountain far away that you really want to set a foot on and go as far as you can and reach the pinnacle of it, to see the view from up there. it’s this urge in us to reach the peak and the fear that, me! I am not someone special. There is one in a million like Mark Zuckerberg or Elon musk or Malala or many others yes many others but all that is common in these many others is not that they are born intelligent or they are special but they are intelligent enough to understand all that it takes to succeed is “Hard work” and that is what makes them unique.
But what all of us strive with is whether we are working hard, or if we work hard will there actually be an outcome, or am I capable enough or not? or the thought or complex that you are not competent enough. This lack of confidence in yourself is a hindrance in the way to success. Now all you need to do is to understand the fact that the ones who are born intelligent are not the successful ones but the ones who believe in themselves and know that they are putting effort in the right direction, who believe in the fact that hard work always pays off are the one’s who achieve victory. The requirements for hard work might be hard but they are nothing in front of the success, the dream life you want. Now, what are the requirements for success: persistence, resilience, perseverance, discipline, consistency, motivation, patience, and the aim in your mind is clear and there is no such thing or belief that I can’t, and there is a vision in your mind of success in ten years or six months that you see and realize every night.
Yeah, the fear might be there still bothering you once in a while what if I can’t and that is what you have to ignore and keep on moving slowly steadily forget about the losses of your past and acknowledge one thing if there wasn’t any improvement in the results of your effort then you actually didn’t put in any effort. cause once you put in the effort there is no possible way that you don’t get a result better than before and if you didn’t get a 100% when you tried for it then it’s probably because your effort was not enough you need to put in more effort success is not imperfect it’s you who is imperfect, success never gives any less of itself to the one’s who gave there all up for it and stayed persistent on the nights where they wanna give up so bad, who stayed consistent through there burnouts who remained resilient through the toughest and remembered there aim and stayed ambitious and motivated despite the whole world is trying to crush their dreams. So they can say one day:
yeah you might feel too small in front of your dream yeah you might dream of becoming someone world famous but it’s not hilarious yeah people will make fun of it they will disrespect your opinion but tell me when you put in a seed do you ever imagine that it could turn into world’s biggest tree, but it can. There is a possibility to it yeah they are conditions to it, good environment but what makes us different from those trees is not that we can become world’s biggest or most famous but the fact that we can grow into one despite of the environment we can change our environment on our know don’t let your environment limitate you. Don’t make excuses for your defeat because if you want it you really want it you need to give up a lot and if you never lost anything you never struggled you didn’t lose friends or family in the process you can never achieve success there is a price to success that’s called struggle, pain, and hard work. Yeah, you can make a profession an ambition of yours but if you make success ambition of yours then you can hold a grip on anything, any profession:
Yeah you might have many sleepless nights, yeah you will lose your appetite, yeah you might get tensed and get stressed, and anxious, and you might feel like you’re not working hard enough but remember:
you might have nosebleeds and headaches but remember that tension and stress are signs that are telling you that you’re working hard enough; that you will soon succeed. Many of you might not know but there are people who struggle with only the fact that they know there are not working hard but still don’t get tensed up. This tension and stress works as a driving force to make you succeed. You are not an animal or bird or insect or a fish you have no limits you can fly if you want to, swim as deep as you want, or climb to the highest mountains you can do whatever you want. So don’t restrain yourself don’t restrain your dreams. Hard work always pays off.
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